
  • Developer: Tuxedo Labs
  • Genre: Sandbox, puzzle, action
  • Version: 0.4.6
User rating:

How download and install Teardown

To download and install Teardown for PC, Android or iOS, click on the "Get it on Steam" button.

Cat Goes Fishing

  • You will be taken to the product page in the Steam Store.
  • If you are a new user, you need to register.
  • Log into Steam.
  • Add Teardown into your Steam Library.
  • select Install Game
  • Follow the store's instructions to install and use Teardown game.

For the game to work properly on your PC, pay attention to the system requirements and the amount of memory used when selecting a disk to install. 

2. If you need more information about Teardown game, we recommend going to the Fan Wiki page. 




Minimal Requireds Recommend Requireds
OS Android 4.4
Processor 2 core 2.2 GHz
Memory 512 Mb
Graphics Adreno 400
DirectX -
Network -
Storage 600 Mb
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